

Hassle-Free Returns. No Restocking Fee.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Shop with confidence - DreamStone's risk-free 30-day return policy is our way of ensuring your satisfaction. We will be happy to refund, exchange or replace any unworn item within 30 days from the date of purchase. We will provide you with a free return shipping label (U.S. & Canadian customers only).

If you decide to return your jewelry, please follow our simple return procedure.

Our Return Process:
1. Authorization. Please call DreamStone customer service at (800) 818-8386 to get your return authorization and shipping label. Print this shipping label which you will use to ship your item with your local FedEx facility.

2. Package Your Return. Please pack your return item(s) with all the materials originally included in your shipment. Make sure to include the diamond certificate for any loose diamond or diamond jewelry you wish to return. Ensure that the item(s) are securely packaged to prevent damage during shipment. For security purposes, do not specify the contents of your package anywhere on the outside of your package.

3. Ship Your Return. We highly recommend requesting a return receipt from FedEx to confirm delivery of your package. This is also applicable to International customers.

Your refund will be processed within 2 business days after receipt of the package. Please allow another 5 business days for your bank to reflect this credit back onto your account.

If you have any further questions about our return policy, please call customer service at 1-800-818-8386 or email us.
